Chapter 1

“I like the night. Without the dark, we’d never see the stars”

-Stephenie Meyer, Twilight




Asher had always felt a deep, almost primal connection to the night. As the sun dipped beneath the horizon, casting the world in a veil of darkness, she found a sense of peace and wonder that the day could never provide. There was something mesmerizing about the way the night sky came alive, the stars twinkling like diamonds scattered across a vast, ebony canvas.

In the darkness, Asher felt a freedom, an escape from the demands and distractions of the day. It was as if the night itself wrapped her in a comforting embrace, shielding her from the harsh realities that often plagued her during the day. The night was her sanctuary, a realm where she could truly be herself, unencumbered by the expectations of others.

As she gazed up at the celestial display overhead, Asher couldn't help but feel a great connection with the natural beauty that was above her. It was in the night that true beauty was revealed, proven from the stars.

She loved the night, but that was also when all the bad came in. She had always loved the night more, although she could never sleep due to nightmares. So, she came outside. The bright beauty of the stars and moon whisked her terrors away, and she was able to think in peace. The first day of junior year was tomorrow, well, today considering it was past midnight. Nonetheless, she was outside, telling the moon all her problems knowing it won’t help anything, although it seemed to help getting it all out every night. It was half past two am before she went back inside to try and sleep before she wakes up at five.


When Asher woke up, all she could think of was the dread filling her. The stares at her slightly pointed ears, her perfectly straight nose, and perfect body. One would think she is popular, but instead she gets called a “wannabe” and “false”.  She convinced herself that they were just jealous that she was prettier than all of them, and one girl tried to be her friend, but in the end was using her for her beauty and tried to set her on fire at a party. She escaped with no bodily harm, but she forever will have a hatred for that girl, and parties.

Running, Asher gets to the bus stop right as it pulls up. When she gets on, she notices the driver staring. This year it’s an old guy, and he was looking at her hungrily. Quickly, Asher walks to the back of the bus, where she usually sits. This year though, there was somebody in the seat next to her. By the looks of her, she was a freshman. Just started and already a loner?  Asher took her normal seat and got a better look at the girl. She was ghostly pale, with wide eyes staring right back at Asher like she could see into her soul. Weird.