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Poem 2: "Days in Harrlem"
Days in Harlem is hot Days in Harlem is loud Days in Harlem is crowded Days in Harlem is...
Par Mango 2025-01-15 13:11:39 0 83
The rain drench the wretched The wind hints at a fate quite unpleasant The crows laugh at me as...
Par labelledspice 2025-01-15 16:10:19 1 94
Garden Of Flowers
Sometimes it gets really cold in this shell My shell. The shell that I've created . By myself....
Par nonchalantpoochyna 2025-01-15 17:06:35 0 81
Tequila Therapy - Cece
The salt, a tiny sting, a prelude to the burn, not of fire, but of something deeper, a warmth...
Par Just_Cece 2025-01-15 14:54:29 2 81
That night
That night. Just once last time. Is what I wished. One last kiss. One last hug. One last...
Par nonchalantpoochyna 2025-01-15 17:07:15 0 84