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The rain drench the wretched The wind hints at a fate quite unpleasant The crows laugh at me as...
Par labelledspice 2025-01-15 16:10:19 1 88
Fake friends come and go. True friends stay. Fake friends will help you up when your down.. true...
Par lynsie 2025-01-15 15:56:04 2 62
Whispers of change
Whispers of change   The snow whispers softly through the night, The cold wraps around me...
Par Alicia 2025-01-15 14:40:49 2 72
Garden Of Flowers
Sometimes it gets really cold in this shell My shell. The shell that I've created . By myself....
Par nonchalantpoochyna 2025-01-15 17:06:35 0 81
The Darkness Descending
I was in class one day when my mind wandered astray I was in a land full of light it covered...
Par Cole_nitehart 2025-01-15 13:54:02 0 59