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"Once "
Once there is life, it is the most beautiful thing that can not be taken away no matter what our...
Par Blaze13D 2025-01-15 14:50:02 1 99
The rain drench the wretched The wind hints at a fate quite unpleasant The crows laugh at me as...
Par labelledspice 2025-01-15 16:10:19 1 98
The Right Time to Say Goodbye
One day i'm going to give up. Im going to say fuck you and move on with my life. I know that i...
Par nonchalantpoochyna 2025-01-15 17:10:12 0 76
That night
That night. Just once last time. Is what I wished. One last kiss. One last hug. One last...
Par nonchalantpoochyna 2025-01-15 17:07:15 0 84
Hey chat so i wont be on this weekend im going to be hella busy and im going to my dads house.i...
Par official_scribbles 2024-11-08 20:00:44 0 168